Sleep disturbances

Sleep disturbances refer to issues with the quality, timing, or amount of sleep, which can negatively impact daytime functioning. Common types include:

Causes of sleep disturbances vary, including stress, underlying health conditions, medication side effects, or inconsistent sleep routine. Symptoms can involve fatigue, mood changes, trouble concentrating, etc.

If you struggle with poor sleep, don't just brush it off! Untreated sleep disorders raise risk for chronic diseases over time. The friendly staff at Hormone Harmony Clinic understand balancing hormones naturally through diet, supplements, and lifestyle often brings welcome sleep improvement. Their holistic approach examines the whole you to pinpoint root causes.

Fortunately, various treatment options exist, like:

See your doctor if self-help strategies don't resolve recurring sleep problems. They can check for associated conditions and refer you to a sleep specialist for diagnostics like an overnight sleep study. This monitors the body during rest to identify issues arousing you.

In closing, make sleep a priority for optimal health! Small steps like limiting electronics before bed, blocking out light sources, or taking melatonin supplements from Hormone Harmony Clinic often help significantly. With persistence and expert care when needed, you can get back on track with restful, rejuvenating sleep.

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